🇺🇦 RARE LOMO SMENA-6 lomography 35mm film camera – 50 years of “Great October”!


Classic choice for lomography enthusiasts

Fully mechanical LOMO Smena-6

Takes regular 35mm film: color, slide or B&W


Ships from 🇺🇦Ukraine usually within the same business day

1 in stock

LOMO SMENA-6 soviet lomography camera


Basic 35mm film lomo camera – all manual functions gives full control over exposure.

Coated Triplet-34 lens is sharp and has good contrast.



It is surprising, that do exist some strange coincidences in Soviet Union (CCCP) history. New camera „Smena“ („New Generation“ or „Relay“) released by GOMZ the same year 1953 the great soviet dictator J.V.Stalin has gone to his rest. We can make an assumption, that Smena name could symbolyze the significant changes in Soviet Union leadership. O.K. it‘s a joke. Initialy camera with Smena name was created in early 1939 by young soviet constructor I.Shapiro. The same GOMZ constructor in 1953 created first 35 mm. camera with Smena name again.

In soviet time two industry giants „GOMZ“ and „MMZ“ produced more than 20 models (with unknown number of modifications!) of Smena. Appr. 30 million cameras released only by GOMZ (predecessor of famous LOMO). The MMZ (predecessor of BeLomo) numbers are signally lowly. I will try to characterize all known mass Smena models, providing technical references as well as details interesting for camera collectors. I will try to present all the versions of Smena camera (including ultra rare prototypes) in my list.

As an original soviet product, Smena was a big event in soviet photo industry. Soviets for almost two decades produced heavy-duty Fed cameras, for the last five years tryed to reclaim high Zeiss Ikon Contax technologies and made first step in Zenit SLR camera releasing. The poverty nation was asking for something simple, trustworthy and cheap. And the new camera Smena was born …

– from sovietcams.com


Camera is in excellent condition & fully functional*

*except for self timer.

Limited series issued in 1967 with red plaque

“50 лет октября” – “50 years since October”

commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution –

the murder of Czar’s family and installing of murderous regime

which until today plagues the face of this planet

Produced: 1961-1969
Name: „Смена-6“
Lens: Triplet-43 4/40
Shutter: 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 + B.



Comes with original case / strap in good condition + film cassette.

This product ships from 🇺🇦Ukraine usually within the same business day!

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